PayPal Instructions

Instructions for creating a PayPal payment link & editing the order.php file:

-Login to your paypal account
-Click on the “Tools” tab
-Click “Paypal Buttons” and then click “Create new button”

Step 1: Choose a button type which is going to be “Buy Now” button. Enter Item name details (i.e. Product Name) and the price you’re selling for

Step 2: Track inventory (not used)

Step 3: Customize advanced features

IMPORTANT ==>This is a digital download, not a physical product. So be sure to scroll down and check the box under “Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout” and enter the full web address to the page your customers will see upon completing their payment (either your download page or customer registration page if applicable):

i.e. – (be sure to rename this page so its harder to guess)

Also you should select “NO” for allowing customers to change order quantities, entering special instructions to you and for entering their shipping address as this is not needed.

-Click “Create Button” and your payment code will be generated. Next click the “Email” tab and copy & paste the “Email link” you are provided into your order.php file where it says YOUR-ORDER-LINK-HERE and save your changes – you must leave the order link inside the quotes as such: “Your Order Link Here”

*Note the order.php file can be found inside your website files folder and can be edited using Notepad.

IMPORTANT ==> Do NOT paste the “Website Button Code” into your order.php file or it will not work — Instead be sure to click the “EMAIL” tab to get your payment link. It will look something like this: of letter & numbers here)

-Then simply upload your order.php file to your web host along with all your other files and you’re good to go.

If you need support please contact us.